Oregano, Origanum sp.
Pure Essential Oil

The most commonly used are O. vulgare, O. smyrnaceum, O. maru. E.o. is obtained by steam distillation of  the flowering herb. Pale liquid with a strong herbaceous, camphoraceous, phenolic odour.
Main Components: carvacrol, thymol, ocimene, caryophyllene.
Actions*: antiseptic, antiparasitic, stimulant.
Applications*: indigestion, rheumatism, bronchitis, congestion, foot fungus.
Safety data: skin and mucous membrane irritant, corrosive, sensitizing. Toxic phenols: carvacrol oral LD50 is 0.1-0.8 g/kg, and thymol's is 0.9 g/kg. To avoid skin irritation use maximum of 1% concentration.

photo of the plant

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